Business Solar Panels: Embrace Sun Power for FREE

Power Up Your Profits! Get Free Solar Panels for Your Business (UK PPA Scheme). Watch our video below to learn a solution.

Empowering Businesses: Embrace Solar Power with DVC Group’s Innovative Funding Model for Business Solar Panels.

As we stride into 2025, Meta’s ambitious plan to install 86 solar projects, supporting over 8 billion dollars in GDP, underscores the monumental potential of solar energy. But here’s the kicker: did you know these projects can be fully funded by an external partner?

Enter the game-changing UK-approved Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) funding scheme—an opportunity too good to miss for commercial properties. Yet, many businesses remain unaware of this groundbreaking chance to transition to sustainable, cost-effective energy solutions.

At DVC Group, we’re here to change that narrative. Our innovative PPA program offers businesses the chance to install business solar panels with minimal to no upfront costs. With our PPA model, you can enjoy the benefits of solar energy without breaking the bank, including lifetime system maintenance.

Here’s how it works:

  • Qualification: Ensure your business boasts a trading history of at least three years.
  • Ownership: Whether you own the premises or lease, securing landlord approval is essential.
  • Roof Space: Ensure your property has ample roof space for seamless panel installation.


Ready to make the switch to a greener, more cost-effective future? Contact us today and take the first step towards harnessing the power of solar energy with DVC Group.

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Note: DVC Group is committed to providing tailored solar solutions to meet the unique needs of each customer. We are proud to contribute to a greener, cost-effective, and sustainable future. Let’s power your world with the sun!

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